Lesbian Parenting in the Philippines
Monday, May 11, 2009
This has been a long overdue post because the Lesbian Parenting forum I attended was last April 18. Even though it's already been a month, it still deserves a spot here in my blog because I believe that it is one of the issues some lesbians here in the Philippines face.
What makes a family? It is not just a biological concept anymore, in fact it has evolved into a social construct. We sometimes consider long time colleagues at work as our family. The rigidity of the family as a biological concept sometimes become the root of bigotry and homophobia.
Please read the rest of the article here.
thank you for posting the gist of the lesbian forum held last april 18. i was not able to attend the said forum.
red jasmine
Hi Jasmine,
Thanks :) If there was free wifi there, I could have blogged live but unfortunately there's none. hehe.
you've done a great job anyhow. in future similar fora maybe you could get a sponsor for your live blogging--maybe smart ;) we can dream on.
wahaha. dream on. but it's ok, don't need sponsors for as long as there is free wifi or if my smart mobile phone has load. lol. :) thanks for the kind words, greatly appreciated :)
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