Baguio LGBT Pride March

Friday, May 29, 2009

Celebrate 15 years of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender PRIDE in the Philippines, join the anniversary Pride Parade in Baguio City.

Come together on June 28, 2009 - meeting place at the Session Road @ 8:00 a.m. - supported by Metropolitan Community Churches in the Philippines and Progay Philippines. Please bring your rainbow flags and your straight family member.

The whole event will be from June 22-28, 2009.

Activities will be
Pride parade, sports festival, Pride LGBT Mass and Film festival


Lesbian Parenting in the Philippines

Monday, May 11, 2009

This has been a long overdue post because the Lesbian Parenting forum I attended was last April 18. Even though it's already been a month, it still deserves a spot here in my blog because I believe that it is one of the issues some lesbians here in the Philippines face.

What makes a family? It is not just a biological concept anymore, in fact it has evolved into a social construct. We sometimes consider long time colleagues at work as our family. The rigidity of the family as a biological concept sometimes become the root of bigotry and homophobia.

Please read the rest of the article here.


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PinoyLGBT is a blog on Philippine Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transsexual/Transgender community.

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