Live Blogging at the BB Gandanghari Blogger Meet Up at Mag:Net High Street

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Bebe Gandanghari arrived at mag:net

I am the currently at the Bebe Gandanghari Blogger meet up at Mag:Net High Street. The event is sponsored by P.O.C (Philippine Online Chronicles). Bloggers get the chance to ask questions to her, no holds barred.

Please view rest of the article here.


mariacarolyn June 11, 2009 at 9:15 PM  

Actually i don't know what's happening in the Philippines. I just learnt about you just recently,(07jun09).And I was shock.But i don't have anything against you.I have a gay nephew and a gay hrandson as well. My only concern is why Gandanghari.You sound like a clown or like a cockerel,no offense meant.If you really want to have the respect of the people have a decent name. U sound so decent anyway.Believed me a nice name matters a lot

Rockerfem Sha June 13, 2009 at 12:20 AM  

Just an issue of aesthetics. Hehe. Well, mariacarolyn, you can ask BB about it. Her official blog is listed at my blogroll :)

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